As the nights are getting colder, it’s time to make your bedroom extra special for some cozy nights in. You will probably spend more time at home with your love-ones in these colder days, so here we are going to give you some ideas to make your home, and especially your bedroom more comfy and embracing.
Add cushions & blankets to your bed
To make your bed the cosiest place on earth you can add pillows of different sizes and a big warm blanket. Faux-fur throw blankets will keep you incredibly snug and cozy and it will add an instant layer of style to your room. If you want to add a touch of chic vintage look you can add a shag pile throw over your bed. For the pillows there are no rules, you can have as many extra pillows as you want, just keep in mind to use a bunch of different shapes and cover textures to increase your cozy factor significantly.
Create the right atmosphere with bedroom lights
We know that bedroom isn’t just for sleeping. It’s important to create the right atmosphere for each situation – whether you cuddling up for a movie, finishing that last bit of work, or reading a book. It’s important to pick the right lighting for each situation; you don’t want bright lights when you are watching a movie, but a soft glow might not be sufficient when you are reading a book. Here’s a quick tip, it’s always good idea to add to your bedside lamps a ceiling light for when you wake up in the morning (and the sun is not out yet!)
Choose the right bed size for you
Sunday mornings lie-ins are great, but in winter getting up to a colder day just needs that extra little bit of effort, this is why it’s so important to make your nights more restful and your mornings less stressful. Having the right bed is the key to feeling your best when you wake up and in this case, the size of your bed really does matter! It’s important to have a bed that is big enough to stretch out, but cozy enough to snuggle up tight. In our store you can find a wide range of beds of all shapes & sizes because we know that this is what sweet dreams are made of.
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