With an average of 300 days of sunshine a year, Ibiza is the ideal place to get tan and relax in the sun. There are few things that help us make the most of the summer in our home, and one of those is a comfortable sun lounger or a big cosy sun-bed. The paradigm of summer relaxation is that the offer of this type of outdoor furniture is so wide, that you might not know where to start your research… How do you choose the best materials, design and decorative style?
In this post we analyse the pros and cons of these types of structure, materials and styles, to help you find your comfy place to snooze away in the sun.
Structure – fixed or folded?
If space is not a problem, sun loungers with fixed structures have several advantages. First, they are more solid than the models that have several joints to fold. In addition, they are larger and generally more comfortable – fixed sun loungers and daybeds are nowadays designed for maximum comfort, providing many adjustable positions. The main disadvantage is that once put into place, they might take more effort if you decide later on that you want to move them around your home or garden.
Materials – wooden, natural fibres, synthetic fibres or aluminium?
Regarding wooden outdoor furniture, it’s important to choose models made with a variety of material that are capable of resisting the action of the sun and moisture. Teak wood, with certified origin to guarantee it’s sustainability, is the most appropriate option due to its tropical provenance – soft to touch and extremely durable. An alternative to teak is acacia wood, because it’s very resistant against the attack of fungi and dirt. The main disadvantages are the higher costs of teak or acacia wood furnitures compared to any other type of wood furniture and the constant maintenance required to preserved the wood – although teak or acacia is a low maintenance wood, it still requires some oiling or polishing every year or every other year.
Natural fibres as wicker, rattan or bamboo cane are very popular due to their good resistance against the sun and humidity. Another of the characteristics of natural fibrer is its versatility, which allows to create perfect pieces to integrate them in rustic and rural environments as well as others of with a hint of ethnic and exotic style. The main disadvantage of these materials, is their tendency to accumulate dust and dirt on their braided surfaces.
Synthetic fibres, capable of imitating in a very realistic way the natural ones but with better performance in terms of strength and ease of cleaning. There are many denominations that are given to these braids based on polyethylene, cellulose and other resins, able to withstand the most adverse weather conditions and remain unchanged. The finishes that can be obtained with the synthetic fibres are many, and they range from the most modern designs to the absolute classics, with finishes in neutral colours or in vibrant palettes that allow you to create totally customised furniture.
If you are looking for a light, durable and weather resistant option, then an aluminium structure is the answer. With finishes that can be both polished and tinted and even painted in different colours, this metal allows you to create very light pieces and therefore easy to move from one place to another. Aluminium also does not present problems of corrosion by the action of water and requires very low-maintenance.
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